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Personal Branding: The Me Inc.

5 hours

Reach your full potential

As you know, the world is changing rapidly due to technology, and with it, labor relations. Job search is increasingly a more competitive and transparent sector, where there are more and more opportunities for both companies and candidates.

A selective cohort to learn with the top 3% of talent

Conecta con los mejores estudiantes de España

Impara con il 3% dei migliori talenti

Each cohort is built based on the previous experiences, motivation, and unique value that each fellow can bring to the class. You will learn and connect with the best talent.

Nuestro proceso de selección, basado en la experiencia académica, la motivación y las habilidades, asegura que cada edición esté formada por los estudiantes con más potencial.

Ogni gruppo viene creato in base alla motivazione e al valore unico che ogni partecipante può apportare alla classe. Imparerete dai migliori talenti e vi metterete in contatto con loro.

Actionable insights by leading practitioners

Aprende de la mano de los mejores profesionales

Conoscenze pratiche da parte di professionisti riconosciuti

Are you looking for a new challenge? Having a solid personal brand or even reinventing your old one could be the difference between an unfulfilling job and a rewarding career.

A learning experience designed for top performance

Vive una experiencia de aprendizaje única

Un percorso progettato per ottenere il massimo

“Investors bet on the jockey, not on the horse”. Your personal brand matters a great deal to investors, it is indeed the first thing they look at.

The instructors work at
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About the program

Sobre el programa

Informazioni sul programma

Take control of your personal brand

Even if taken for granted, without a brand, price is the only thing that makes the difference. It happens to companies and it happens to you: if you don't want to reduce yourself to a price, if you don't want to be one of the thousands of CVs that recruiters receive daily, you need to differentiate yourself and create a brand around you.

In this course, you will be answering key questions about yourself that you have probably never reflected upon before that will not only help you reach your full potential but actually make you happier.

*What is included in the course?

For only 160€ you have the chance of having with a Talent Agent that will guide you through the process, exclusive to active Nova members. If you are not in this pool, the program has a cost of 260€ in which you will also get access to the Nova community and a 1 year free membership.

  • Recorded lessons so you can progress at your own pace from anywhere
  • Homework and other tools that will allow you to apply all the learnings
  • 2 x 1 hour session with a dedicated Talent Agent to help you take control of your personal brand

Your path in the program

Tu camino durante el programa

Il tuo percorso nel programma

After 2 weeks in the program

Tras 2 semanas en el programa

Dopo 2 settimane di programma

Halfway through the program

En la mitad del programa

A metà del programma

After finishing the program

Tras completar el programa

Al termine del programma

Who will you learn from?

¿De quién vas a aprender?

Da chi imparerai?

Ramón Rodrigáñez

CEO and Co-founder at Nova

Co-Fundador y CEO de Nova. Anteriormente trabajó como consultor en BCG. Graduado en Management Science & Engineering por Columbia University con una beca Fulbright. Previamente hizo un Doble Grado en Ingeniería Industrial en ICAI y Ecole Centrale Paris. También es licenciado en Applied Economics por Dauphine University.

Payment options

Opciones de pago

Opzioni di pagamento

Upfront + Success Fee

Pago completo

Pagamento completo

From 160€*

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Full fixed payment or installments

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Full fixed payment

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Company Sponsorhip

From 160€*

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*What is the cost of the program?

The Personal Branding course is valued at 160€, exclusive to active Nova members. If you are not in this pool, the program has a cost of 260€ in which you will also get access to the Nova community and a 1 year free membership.

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