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Managerial Negotiations

16 hours

"Both an art and a science"

This professional development course is a combination of practical and theoretical expert input. Build greater self-knowledge, behaviours and skills that will help you better manage negotiations, conflicts and relationships.

A selective cohort to learn with the top 3% of talent

Conecta con los mejores estudiantes de España

Impara con il 3% dei migliori talenti

Each cohort is built based on the previous experiences, motivation, and unique value that each fellow can bring to the class. You will learn and connect with the best talent.

Nuestro proceso de selección, basado en la experiencia académica, la motivación y las habilidades, asegura que cada edición esté formada por los estudiantes con más potencial.

Ogni gruppo viene creato in base alla motivazione e al valore unico che ogni partecipante può apportare alla classe. Imparerete dai migliori talenti e vi metterete in contatto con loro.

Actionable insights by leading practitioners

Aprende de la mano de los mejores profesionales

Conoscenze pratiche da parte di professionisti riconosciuti

Gain exposure to tools and instruments that are used in high-level executive development including personal Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument reports.

A learning experience designed for top performance

Vive una experiencia de aprendizaje única

Un percorso progettato per ottenere il massimo

A cohort of ambitious Novas with whom you will be working throughout the course, the most powerful way to network. Share your experiences, challenges and take out infinite learnings from the community!

The instructors work at
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About the program

Sobre el programa

Informazioni sul programma

This negotiation course focuses on developing your skills in the art of managing relations with others.

The amalgamation of practical and academic methodologies and tools will ensure you acquire pragmatic and actionable insights about yourself and others. You will leave this course with an enhanced repertoire of knowledge, exposure to tools and instruments that are used in high-level executive development, and practical insights based on leading practices of global institutions. You will understand conflict and negotiation situations and be able to approach resolutions.

With an exhaustive previous assessment of your profile and personality this course will be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

The program includes (390€*)

  • Access to a top-quality curriculum: 15 hours of masterclass, group workshops, etc.
  • Professor office hours during the length of the course for any consultation, discussion, etc.
  • Access to the MBTI and KTI reports (worth 100€).
  • A long-lasting community of Novas to share all the learnings with.

Your path in the program

Tu camino durante el programa

Il tuo percorso nel programma

After 2 weeks in the program

Tras 2 semanas en el programa

Dopo 2 settimane di programma

Halfway through the program

En la mitad del programa

A metà del programma

After finishing the program

Tras completar el programa

Al termine del programma

Who will you learn from?

¿De quién vas a aprender?

Da chi imparerai?

James Lockhart

Ex-Director at Merryl Lynch & Barclays

"I have worked on leadership and organizational development in multi-national organizations for over 30 years. I have been an executive at many leading investment banks such as Merrill Lynch, Barclays, CitiGroup and Morgan Stanley. In 2007 I established Lockhart Executive Development, with the mission of supporting organizations globally coaching their leaders."

Payment options

Opciones de pago

Opzioni di pagamento

Upfront + Success Fee

Pago completo

Pagamento completo

From 390€*

See FAQs

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Full fixed payment or installments

Pago a plazos

Pagamento a rate

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Full fixed payment

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Company Sponsorhip

From 390€*

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Who should apply?

To be a good fit for the Managerial Negotiations Course, you are probably:

  • Someone with more than 2-3 years of experience who would like to prepare to negotiate with different stakeholders.
  • A manager, lead, or head who is seeking to advance in their negotiation skills.
  • You’re also: Open to seeking guidance to take your negotiations to the next level. Willing to take advantage of the Nova cohort by sharing experiences, challenging assumptions, etc.

What happens if I cannot attend one session?

In the exceptional circumstance where you are unable to attend one of the sessions you will have to communicate Nova prior to the session. The lesson will be recorded and sent to you.

Is there a deadline to apply by?

This program will take place on a rolling basis. To participate in the next cohort you need to enroll before Sept 1st.

*What is the cost of the program?

The Managerial Negotiations course is valued at 390€, exclusive to active Nova members. If you are not in this pool, the program has a cost of 490€ in which you will also get access to the Nova community and a 1 year free membership.

Got any questions?

Only a few Novas will be able to join this batch. We are working on the second cohort. For now, you can show your interest below before it is too late!

Join the waitlist now

Only a few Novas will be able to join this batch. We are working on the second cohort. For now, you can show your interest below before it is too late!