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Public and Social Impact

26 weeks

Solving the world's most pressing challenges

The Global Leaders Fellowship (GLF) provides highly talented young professionals with the tools that will enable them to successfully take on public or social leadership roles in a democratic society.

A selective cohort to learn with the top 3% of talent

Conecta con los mejores estudiantes de España

Impara con il 3% dei migliori talenti

Each cohort is built based on the previous experiences, motivation, and unique value that each fellow can bring to the class. You will learn and connect with the best talent.

Nuestro proceso de selección, basado en la experiencia académica, la motivación y las habilidades, asegura que cada edición esté formada por los estudiantes con más potencial.

Ogni gruppo viene creato in base alla motivazione e al valore unico che ogni partecipante può apportare alla classe. Imparerete dai migliori talenti e vi metterete in contatto con loro.

Actionable insights by leading practitioners

Aprende de la mano de los mejores profesionales

Conoscenze pratiche da parte di professionisti riconosciuti

The professors, well-known figures of the public and social sphere, will provide hands-on knowledge on how to discover your unique path to serve society, understanding of the public sphere and the world's most pressing challenges, and core development of leadership skills.

A learning experience designed for top performance

Vive una experiencia de aprendizaje única

Un percorso progettato per ottenere il massimo

Live discussions, recorded pills, inspirational talks and workshops to exit the program with a real initiative to have an impact and your own designed leadership path. All Global Leaders Fellowships will have an intensive module of public speaking and leadership practice.

The instructors work at
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About the program

Sobre el programa

Informazioni sul programma

What will be covered?

A unique methodology

How does a month look like?

An exclusive top talent cohort: Step by step exclusive cohort

Your path in the program

Tu camino durante el programa

Il tuo percorso nel programma

After 2 weeks in the program

Tras 2 semanas en el programa

Dopo 2 settimane di programma

Halfway through the program

En la mitad del programa

A metà del programma

After finishing the program

Tras completar el programa

Al termine del programma

Who will you learn from?

¿De quién vas a aprender?

Da chi imparerai?

Alexander Havard

Founder and Chairman of Virtuous Leadership Institute (VLI)

Alexandre Havard is the author of the Virtuous Leadership system and the founder of the Havard Virtuous Leadership Institute. Born in Paris, he is a barrister by profession having graduated from the René Descartes University, one of France's leading law schools, and practiced law in several European countries. Author of Virtuous Leadership: An Agenda for Personal Excellence (New York, 2007) and Created for Greatness: The Power of Magnanimity (Washington, 2011). Since 2007 "Virtuous Leadership" has been translated into 20 languages.

Pablo Vázquez

Senior Advisor at McKinsey

Bachelor of Laws and Doctor of Economics, Postgraduate in Economics (Berkeley, California). Former president of RENFE, major mobility company in Spain. Professor of Applied Economics at the UCM and University of Cantabria. He has worked in the Cabinet of the President of the Government between 1996-1998, and between 2000-2002, advising on economic and social matters.

Diego Canga Fano

Former Head of Cabinet of the European Parliament’s President

Diego was head of Cabinet of the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, for more than three years. Before that he was director of Multilateral Relations and Quality Policy in DG AGRI, European Commission in charge of organic farming, geographical indications, promotion of agri-food products and World Trade Organisation and agent for the Council in 60 Cases before the European Court of Justice. He is currently Principal Advisor in DG AGRI.

Vilhelm Skoglund

Executive Director of Effective Altruism Sweden and Coordinator for the Nordics and Baltics

Vilhelm Skoglund, Executive Director of Effective Altruism Sweden and Effective Altruism coordinator for the Nordics and Baltics. He holds several board assignments in the non-profit sector and is a co-founder of Nema Problema. He has previously worked as a consultant and has dual degrees in law and social development, with studies at Cornell, Yale and Uppsala University.

Dada Consulting

Creative Intelligence and Divergent Thinking

Teresa Torres, former professional dancer of classical and contemporary dance and a graduate in Humanities with a mention in cultural management, is currently working at IESE business school leading educational experiences. Having previously worked at UNIR promoting social impact programs, she is now the founder of a creative intelligence and divergent thinking consultancy.

Dialogue Labs

Adaptive Leadership by Harvard University

DialogueLabs aims to transform the way business, political and civil society leaders respond to change, conflict and diversity, making these engines for growth and innovation. We apply the Adaptive Leadership methodology from Harvard University, a practical framework that develops the capacity of individuals and organizations to adapt and succeed in challenging environments. During our intensive and highly experiential workshops participants develop a system thinking mindset, acquiring real-time communication and negotiation strategies as well as self-awareness and resilience tools.

Payment options

Opciones de pago

Opzioni di pagamento

Upfront + Success Fee

Pago completo

Pagamento completo

From 860€*

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Full fixed payment or installments

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Full fixed payment

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Company Sponsorhip

From 860€*

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Am I a good fit for this program?

To be part of the Nova Global Leaders Fellowship | Public and Social Impact you need to:

  • Be a young professional between 25 and 35 years old
  • Have an outstanding academic and professional background
  • Be driven, ambitious, and socially engaged (extracurricular skills, etc)
  • Excel at competencies like communication, leadership, impact, and teamwork
  • Above all with a clear vocation for service based on values

*What is the cost of this fellowship?

Nova's Global Leadership Fellowship is valued at 860€ exclusive to active Nova members. If you are not in this pool, the program is 960€ in which you will also get access to the Nova community and a 1 year free membership. Meritocracy is at the heart of Nova's values and we want to support you to accelerate your career! How will we do this?

  1. You are able to pay in installments with no interest or additional charges.
  2. If you are looking to have an impact within your current company you will get support from the Nova team to get this course sponsored by your employer.

What will I get from this program?

  • Discovery of your unique power and path to serve society
  • Knowledge and understanding of the public sphere and the world's most pressing challenges
  • Core development of leadership skills - ensuring you know HOW to influence
  • Support and guidance to start your unique impact initiative or to develop it with other fellows
  • Join a world-changing initiative
  • Connect with other outstanding individuals willing to have an impact in today’s world

Got any questions?

Applications for the next cohort are assessed on a rolling basis so secure your spot now for more chances of success! Join the program that will soon become the reference leadership program in Europe for top talent.

Join the waitlist now

Applications for the next cohort are assessed on a rolling basis so secure your spot now for more chances of success! Join the program that will soon become the reference leadership program in Europe for top talent.